Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gettin' down with The Corvettes

Our GVC homegroup picnicked with us at Lake Poway this past Sunday. We had a great time as usual and danced a bit, ate a bit, danced some more a bit and then the girls flew in the air a bit. Thanks to Rob for being my photographer as Allison and I enjoyed being foolish together. :0)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Birthday Bash...literally

Today was Jaedyn's birthday party. We rented out the little community club house and the pool for the day which worked out perfectly. All of Jaedyn's friends were there and he had a total blast. Unfortunately about 10 minutes before the party started Ashlyn, in her excitement ran full speed ahead into a glass table and split her forehead open. Rob took her to urgent care where they glued her forehead back together (Rob said nay to 6 stitches thinking that the glue would leave less of a scar). A bit scary, terrible timing, but she's ok. And yes...I'm exhausted.

Vacation Bible School

This last week we had Vacation Bible School at our Church. 9-12:30 every day...jam packed with singing, arts and crafts, eating, playing games and learning about a Bible story. I was in charge of the toddler games which was both super fun and super exhausting. Anyway, Jaedyn had a blast and so did Ashlyn (and so did Connor...one of Jaedyn's best buddies!)

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Birthday Boy!

Everyone warned me that time flies when you have kids and I definitely agree. I can't believe that Jaedyn is 5. We really couldn't be happier with Jaedyn, who he is and who he is becoming. Allison's step-dad made a comment a few weeks ago about how much he enjoys being around Jaedyn. He said that he always has a smile on his face, he's always really flexible, doesn't complain, takes care of his sister (well..most of the time!) and just really has a great disposition in general. It's so rewarding when other people confirm the things that you as a parent can see, but wonder if those things are true because you are the parent. So anyway...thanks Rich for a super nice compliment on our little five year old. And happy birthday to Jaedyn! :)

Here was the birthday boy's day in a nutshell..drums at Church, swimming in the pool, waffles for dinner (his choice), opened presents, and a trip for some hot fudge sundays!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Birthday Party #345

We headed down to Mission Bay this past weekend for another birthday party. It was a gorgeous day...blue skies and perfect temperatures for wading in Mission Bay's poopy waters. :) A first for Ashlyn...Dad decided to let her try soda for the first time. (I know...tragic) She liked it and somehow convinced her little friend Brianna to share her soda with her.